Tuesday, November 27, 2018

Amelia Island, Day 2

Windy day
Another cold and windy day. Linda does laundry and I replace the engine belt and water filter. We signed out the loaner car for two hours at noontime. Still finishing up with laundry so we don’t leave until 12:30, eliminating time to stop for lunch. We run through Publix with Linda’s shopping list and pick up Rottela (diesel oil at Walmart) return the car just after 2:00 PM. We have a quick lunch at the “Galley, Bar and Grill” at the end of our dock. Then back on the boat Linda catalogs and puts food away, while I make the bed and put clothes away.

Linda does some more interior cleaning with “Mold Armour”. We learned about this product on our first trip through Florida. A closed up boat gets condensation on the interior surface when the weather is cool and mold starts to eventually grow. “Mold Armour” removes the mold and leaves a film that prevents its return for quite a while. 
Our Dock

Bill comes back for another visit after dark and the three of us go to the “Galley” for dinner. We all get the same pulled pork dinner. Obviously it was very good, one of their specialties. The Galley just has some radiant heaters so we were well dressed for dinner. Some of the diners had stuffed napkins in some of the gaps in the windows that can open, to cut down on the interior  breeze.

We have another cold night in the low 40’s, but warm for us plugged in at the dock.

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