Sunday, July 7, 2024

Dawson City

Slow day, enjoying not having to travel today. We are staying at the “Gold Rush CampGround” for two nights. We made a reservation yesterday at the Visitors Center to tour the SS Keno the dry docked steam ship at Dawson City. Some south bound travelers tipped us off to making reservations a day a head for this tour.

I again try to find out why our thermostatic mixer for our bathroom sink and shower is not working correctly. Water gets too hot and can not be adjusted.  I finally decide to remove the recommended check valves and the system now works as it is suppose to.  Set the temperature you want and no more fiddling the the hot and cold, wasting water trying to get it adjusted,

At 12:45 we head to the Visitors Center and people without reservations were out of luck,  This was one of the last paddle wheel steamer ships which was mainly used to ship silver ore. It did have passenger cabins, but not as fancy as some of the larger steam ships on the Yukon. Many of the steamers were built in Whitehorse, but early in the Gold rush some came from elsewhere all the way up the Yukon River from the Bering Sea.  I would imagine taking one of these flat bottom paddle wheelers out in the open ocean was rather risky.  The SS Klondike, being restored at Whitehorse is much bigger.

After the tour we have a late lunch and split an ice cream cone. We call this a Dave & Joan, after our good friends. You get an ice cream cone and a cup and scoop some of the ice cream in to the cup, which I get.

A “Dave & Joan”

We head back to the RV and the sun comes out and it gets comfortably warm. I put out our ground mat and chairs and we sit in the sun with the awning out. As soon as we get comfortable it clouds over and it’s cold again. We spend some time cleaning carpets, sweeping out the RV and  the front passenger areas. We have been picking up a lot of dirt, mud and dust.

We are not quite this dirty

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