Tuesday, July 30, 2024


Rained most of the night and is still raining when we wake up.  The mountains surrounding the town are in the clouds and banks of fog on the lower areas.  The Alaska news says this is the 5th rainiest July on record. Last July was also rainy. Sounds like climate change back home in northern New England, wetter summers. A couple towns in Vermont have already had destructive floods this summer. RV folks who were here in June said they had lots of sun.

Well at least we have so far avoided serious high heat and forest fires.  I don’t think we will be so lucky going through southern Canada and back into the states.

Finally it stops raining in the afternoon and we go for a walk to the Visitors Center.  We even come upon a Radio Shack, I didn’t think any still existed. Of course we had to go in and talk with the owner.

Another Alaska T-shirt

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