Saturday, June 29, 2024

Fort Nelson

We got up around 6:00 AM and were on the road before 8:00AM.  Stopped in town to fuel up, since gas is only going to get more expensive as we head north.  Nice slightly cool morning, still warm enough to wear my replacement Flip-Flops that I bought yesterday.. For the next hour driving north we are going through rolling farm land, mostly pasture, although we see few cows. 

After an hour we get to Fort St. Johns, a surprisingly large town, Superwalmart and anything other chain store found in anywhere USA. Another hour north, farm lands disappear and it gets hillier. We are in logging and gas country. We stop for a break at a gas and convenence store like any in the USA, except its the first gas station I have ever seem unpaved, very dusty. Non food items on the store shelves that don’t sell quickly have a coat of dust on them.

The highway has lots of rest areas, some paved with pit tolets and garbage cans other large unpaved pull offs.  RV’s do stop and spend the night at these rest areas.

We get to Fort Nelson and I am surprised to see that it is 87 degrees, did not notice the outside temperature gauge until we stopped for gas at Fort Nelson. Had planned to boondock at one of the roadside rest areas, but now I want to stay at an RV park for power for our AC. AC and running our generator is just too noisy.

We are staying at the Triple G Hideaway RV Park in Nelson.  As the evening progresses a lot more RV’s and tenters arrive. We visit the local musuem, unfortunately they will be closing a ½ hour after we get there so they do not charge us.  I could of spent hours there, Linda not so much.

Bug covered RV

Main building of local museum 

A week or so ago I bought another Lucy light, an excellent solar light we use on our sailboat, unfortunately I forgot to bring any of them.  I also bought a new Flash light the size of a small baseball bat.  Now that we are getting further north and night time starting to disappear, they are seeming to be useless purchases.  Last night the sunset at 9:45PM tonight it sets at 10:30PM, sunrise at 4:00AM. I will not be staying up to see the stars, not sure it will even get dark enough here.

Lucy Lights


  1. I understand that Montana has claimed the title “Big Sky country.” But it sure seems to apply to BC as well. When the aurora borealis is forecast it IS worth staying up late to see it when you are this far north! David

  2. Love reading your blog. I came close to gushing coffee out my nose, you dork.
