Thursday, June 20, 2024

Warterton Lakes

Caryn & Linda,  happy to be UVM retirees

We leave fairly early to head to Waterton Lakes in Alberta, Canada.  I have a one night reservation at the “Prince of Wales” hotel. I could only get a reservation for Thursday night. Have a beautiful sunny day driving through the mountains and back out in the plains through the Blackfeet Indian Reservation, before we head westward back into the mountains around Waterton Park.

We check into the hotel and ask if they have gotten any openings for the following night.  After a few minutes they are able to give us a second night without moving rooms.  We get to park next to the hotel in the Bus/RV parking area. We are the only vehicle left there overnight.

Normally it is very windy here, but today there is almost no wind. They have no outside chairs because of the frequent winds.  The tall windows in the Great Room and restaurants have small plastic boxes attached to the windows so they don’t rattle quite so loudly when they have the gusty winds.

We have an excellent dinner at the restaurant at the hotel. Lots of people hanging out in the Great Room enjoying the view down the Lake. The sun doesn’t disappear from the tallest peaks until 9:45pm 

Great Room



  1. Spectacular! Now the real adventure begins!

  2. I just read your blog. What an adventure the two of you are having so far. I am enjoying the detail in your posts. Glad you still have a working computer and/or iPad to write them after the coffee incident!

  3. John and I did a 5-day backpacking trip in Glacier National Park in 1986, ending our adventure at the Prince of Wales Hotel! Great location.
