Wednesday, June 19, 2024


There were 8 RV’s overnight at Cracker Barrel.  We split breakfast at CB, before we head out. Stop at a couple RV places to see if we could find replacement parts to our bike rack. No luck.  We stop at REI, lots of bike racks for cars, but none for RV’s. We do pick up a Luci Light, solar light which we have many of, but forget them back home in Vermont.

We are heading to Kalspell, north of Flathead Lake to visit an old friend from UVM of Linda’s, Caryn Gronvold who grew up in the area and retired there. Karen also house sat our house the first time we sailed to the Bahamas for the winter.

We have an enjoyable evening catching up with her and we “Boondock” in her driveway for the night. Karen makes us a wonderful dinner.

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