Sunday, June 9, 2024

Sunny and warm

 We wake up to our first fully sunny day. Still cool, but with the promise of getting warmer. 

Lake Michigan

Happy Campers, finally 

Our only goal today is to get close to Minneapolis. Dorky tourists we are, we plan to go to the Mall of America the next day. I hope to go to the Apple Genius store and get a few problems solved with my Air tags. Linda’s warns her when she has left a tagged item behind, mine do not. I can find them, but it lets me leave them behind.

By mid-morning I actually have the AC on in the Van. Linda drives for a while, while I make a reservation at a small RV park in Hoffman Park, at the town park at River Falls. $25 a night with electricity, what a deal.

We get there around 4:00PM and for the first time we are in full camping mode. Mat out, chairs out, awning out and we get to lounge around for a couple hours before dinner. Finally feels like summer.

Finally, we get to chill

Today’s route

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