Monday, June 17, 2024

Red Lodge

We decide to go out for breakfast and pick the number one rated breakfast place on Trip Advisor in Billings, Stella.  While waiting we met Thersa a very interesting retired college english professor, who is a world traveler.  Very fascinating woman, we ask her to join us for breakfast and have a very enjoyable time hearing about her travels. She should write a book.

We have a short trip to Red Lodge where I am hoping to meet up with Dr. Scott Luria my GP who retired a few years ago and is currently bicycle touring through the mountain west working his way back east. I feel rather pathetic, my bike resides on the bike rack on the back of the RV. My biggest problem during the day is trying to not fall asleep behind the wheel. Never had that problem bike touring.

I had hoped to go over Bear Tooth Pass tomorrow to Yellowstone, but when we arrive at our RV park, we learned it is supposed to snow tonight and the road will be closed for a couple days.  I had hoped for an early arrival at the RV park so I could catch up on a couple projects, but we decide to drive up to the top of the pass this afternoon and drive back to the RV park. Better than nothing.

We get near the top and the temperatures drop into the 30’s and it is snowing lightly, obscuring the views. We get back down late afternoon and do our first laundry day since we have left Vermont.

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