Wednesday, June 26, 2024

Jasper - Maligne Canyon

We shower before breakfast.  The shower facilities are very clean and efficient at this National Park campground. The water temperature is preset, just warm enough to shower, but cool enough we won’t be taking a long shower. Plus the added fact you have to press a button every 15 seconds for the water to keep flowing. It gets you clean and out quickly.

After breakfast we head to town to look for a pair of flip-flops, mine which managed to make it to the Bahamas and back disappeared in the last day or so. No luck in our f-f search, but we find an excellent bakery, The Bear Paw.  We get Raspberry White Chocolate scones, Yum.

We drive north of town to Maligne Canyon.  I had biked there 50 years and ago camped our in the woods, when the then local campground was full. Slept in my plastic Tube tent for protection from the bears, that way they could have a take-away container for the leftovers.

1973, A tent or food wrap ?

Lower Maligne Canyon, 1973

Apparently I did not go to the top of the Canyon. Some very interesting waterfalls that I don’t remember seeing and a ton more tourists.

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