Friday, June 7, 2024

Peterborough Lift Lock

Warmed up eggs and sausage in the microwave for breakfast compliments of the Lithium batteries and a 2000 watt inverter that I installed. The original AGM batteries and 1000 watt inverter couldn’t warm up a cup of

Bridge to Canada

We head to the border crossing through the Akwesasne Mohawk reservation which straddles the border. After crossing the bridge to the Canadian side we stop at the” entry booth” and I automatically hand the fellow our passports, not realizing it was the Mohawk Reservation bridge toll booth. The Canadian customs was another ¼ mile down the road. He hands the passports back and says $11.00 dollars please.

We stop at Canadian customs and there are no other cars and they ask alot more questions than normal. I do mention that we have a can of bear spray which is legal unlike pepper spray. A minute later they ask us to pull over for further inspection. She says pull over by the “EH?”, how Canadian !  Then I realized she meant the letter “A” painted on the payment. I refrain from smart ass comments.

In Quarantine at customs 

After a few minutes waiting in the office they send us on our way, with a little disheveled RV.

We are now officially in Canada


Instead of taking AutoRoute 401 (their interstate) we head west on route 2, a secondary slower road along the St Lawrence Seaway. After a couple hours we hop on 401 and head to Kingston to have lunch on the waterfront.

Flying kite boarder at Kingston

Our afternoon destination is the hydraulic lift lock on the Trent-Severn waterway. Unfortunately it is early in the season with little boat activity and the locks are closed for the day.

Peterborough Hydraulic lift lock

This evening we are staying at “Craftworks and Antiques at the Barn” a Harvest host member that allows RV’s overnight. Unfortunately I miss the fact that they close at 5:30 and don’t open until 10:00 AM. We arrive just after 5:30.  Linda accuses me of “bait and switch”.  Since we are the only RV, the owner was waiting for us and comes over to tell us where to park. He and his wife have an RV which they keep on the property. We have a nice conversation about boating and RV’s.  Later he stops by with a gift of baked goods. I feel a little guilty, part of the deal with Harvest Host is you make some purchases at the host business.  Brew Pubs are my usual 

favorite, but bakeries rate pretty high with me too.


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