Monday, August 19, 2024

Butchart Gardens

Rained overnight and still lightly raining this morning. It's a short drive to Butchart Gardens and it lightly rains all day. 

Another rainy days, good for the plants

Lunch, I finally get my Moose

Late afternoon we head to the Fairmount Empress Hotel in downtown Victoria for two nights. Unfortunately our 21 foot Class B RV can not fit into the parking garage. We have to use their valet service to park the RV in an outside lot on the backside of their property.

As we turn down the street in front of the Hotel I follow at pedal cab taxi in a lane leading up to the check in entrance to the Hotel.  Part way down the lane, it is getting narrower and I realize I am in the bike lane. Towards the end are two large cement planters that I can not fit between and the curb. I come to a stop and then drive up over the curb to miss the planters. Looking at the rear view mirror I notice another fool has followed me down the bike lane. When I come to a stop at the planters he realizes his mistake and bails out at the pedestrian cross walk for the car lane. Looking ahead, I can see I am amusing the valets with my “short cut” as I approach.  We all have a good laugh.

We unload everything we think we will need for the next couple days.

Our hotel in Victoria

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