Monday, August 5, 2024

Klaune Lake

After we have breakfast we drive back to Tok and get our Propane tank filled. We also stop at a laundromat that has showers. We leave Tok clean.

Today we head south east out of Alaska in the Yukon on the ALCAN. We missed the section back in June when we headed north to Dawson City from Whitehorse. This section, named Destruction Bay section, between the border and Haines Junction is pretty remote and is the first section of rough road that travelers  heading north experience and complain the most about.  We have experienced much worse around Chicken and McCarthy, so no big deal, just slow in sections. 

It is so remote the Canadian customs station is 28 miles inside Canada from the border at Beaver Creek.  I guess they figure why send personnel to the border, when you have to come through Beaver Creek. There are no other roads, landing strips or lakes or way to get around Beaver Creek. And there is not much at Beaver Creek, just a few buildings and long closed motel,  just a visitor center.

We stop at Burwash Landing at the first gas station we have seen since we left Alaska. Very unique self-serve station.  A little while later we stop along Kluane Lake to boondock for the night. There are all sorts of places to boondock along this lake.

Burwash Gas Station

Parked for the night

View after sun drops behind mountains

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